i3 Window Manager

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2 mins read

Ever wanted a fancy cool Hacker like interface for your Linux distro? I did. And now I have it installed and all configured. As I may have mentioned before, I am a Linux fanatic. Right now I have Arch Linux and Ubuntu installed along side Windows.

Arch Linux is pretty intense for even pro Linux users, because it is not based on any of the famous user friendly distributions like ubuntu or fedora. It is a system of its own with its own package manager and repositories. And it is a rolling release distribution, meaning, you always have the latest software. Always!

Then I found i3. It is not a fully fledged desktop manager like gnome or unity or plasma. It is just a plain Window and Tiling manager which runs on Xserver. Found some pretty configuration dot files on GitHub and now, I have the coolest looking Interface for my Arch Linux.

Here's the Links

Dependency and Configuration Install Scripts Some Cool Themes


Linux indeed is Love!